Home » Services » Preventive Dentistry » Periodontal Therapy
More advanced treatment for patients with periodontal disease is required to prevent destruction of the gums and bone that hold your teeth firmly in the jaws.
At your first visit, a dental provider will measure your gum pockets. You will hear different numbers starting at 1; 1-3 mm pockets are considered healthy and 4+ mm pockets are considered unhealthy ranging from gingivitis to periodontal disease.
For patients who have never had their periodontal disease treated or they have gone an extended period of time without a cleaning from the hygienist or dentist will need a deep cleaning otherwise known as scaling and root planing (SRP).
For patients who have previously been diagnosed with periodontal disease and have been actively seeking treatment, but have moved to a different dental home, need a periodontal maintenance.
No, a periodontal maintenance is required following scaling and root planing
A perio maintenance is a cleaning that follows SRP and is recommended every 3 months, 4 months or 6 months. Frequency is determined by the present health of your gums. Perio maintenance is required to prevent further damage of the gums in patients with periodontal disease and includes limited scaling and root planing when appropriate. Click here to learn more about the preventive procedures we offer at Magnolia Dental.